Pay your dues

Quarterly Dues are due on the first day of each quarter; January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st.

Late fees of $10 per week will be applicable.

You can pay your dues by:

  • Cheque (post dated cheques are accepted)
    Cheques can be mailed to:
    IATSE Local 129
    PO BOX 57089
    Jackson Station
    Hamilton ON
    L8P 4W9
  • e- Transfer
  • Cheques can be left in the box on the loading dock at Hamilton Place.

How to send an e-Transfer

When sending by e-Transfer please use
Text the password you use to the Secretary-Treasurer at 905-520-9054. Be sure to include your name in the Notes section.
Below are Bank specific instructions

Your bank not here? You can find your specific bank instructions here.