If you do not qualify for EI for lack of eligible hours, you are primarily self-employed or a contract worker, you can apply for the CERB. This benefit offers $2000 per month for up to 4 months. This will become available on April 6th (as of this writing) and should have money in your hand in 10 days from applying. This benefit will be administered by Revenue Canada. In order to apply you must have a CRA account. WE are being advised by the Minister of Heritage that it is advisable to sign up for that now. You will need your Social Insurance Number and last years Tax return on hand.

Go to

Scroll down to  Option 2 – Using a CRA user ID and password and Click CRA Register

Fill out the form and an access code will be sent to you. You will require this code to apply for CEB on April 6th.

****If you have already applied for EI, we are told at this point, that you will automatically be put into the CERB program, so there is no need to apply. At the end of the 4 months regular EI will kick in if necessary